An Indigo is someone that charts their own path. Indigos are the first to break free from society's norms and expectations. We didn't come here to live someone else's idea of what our life should be. Indigos are here to create something new.
From birth humans are molded and formed by their family, society, culture, and religion to fit into certain boxes. These boxes are preapproved by society. Our family were all molded into these boxes and they do the same thing to us. We're expected to take certain paths going from one box to the next before ending up as the final product: a normal human being.
Normal. That's never going to be our life. Indigos are here to show everyone that there is another way. That one way of life does not fit all.
What is a normal human being anyway? How can we know what's normal if everyone is trying to be like everyone else? If everyone is just a copy of someone else then no one knows who they really are. This is social conditioning and it is a system of control.
Conforming to the norms keeps you in line. It confines you to your box. It sets up the limitations for your life. Conforming keeps things from ever changing.
Worse, conforming robs you of your originality, of all of the things that make you - you. We're conditioned to be what other people want us to be. How unsatisfying it is to be an actor in the play of your real life, pretending to be something you're not.
We are raised in a way that doesn't let us figure things out on our own. We are rarely asked what we want. We are told what is acceptable and adjust accordingly.
Many people make it through their whole life not realizing they've been putting on an act for the sake of pleasing others. At some point in an Indigo's life there's a moment of realization - what am I doing? Why? There's got to be more to life than this! When Indigos become aware of the performance we're all doing - they stop, causing great disruption to the system. Often receiving great amounts of disapproval from all the actors in their life.
This disruption of the status quo is why we're here. Indigos are system busters. Once we realize we've been programmed to live a life we had no say in, we get really difficult. We jump off life's boxing assembly line once we realize that we're on it. We don't want to end up in box that we didn't choose. A box that pleases someone else.
It's easy to feel pressured into people pleasing and sacrificing your own happiness for others because we are conditioned and encouraged to do this. Self-sacrifice is expected and even considered virtuous. We get rewarded for it with family and social approval.
But why would we want a boxed person's approval?
Every single one of us is capable of breaking free. Once you're aware of all the various default settings you've been programmed with by your family, culture, and religion - you can delete them! We can rewrite our codes. Instead of living a life of family/society obligation we can choose to follow our own natural path.
To undo your programed behavior you have to continuously check yourself. Ask yourself: OK, why am I doing this thing? Do I want to or do I feel like I have to? Does this make me happy or someone else happy? Am I enjoying my life or am I enduring it?
Once you become conscious of the reasons behind your choices - you can start making deliberate choices rather than the ones you've been programmed to choose. Choose something different that suits your own personal calling.
Someone is always going to be disappointed or upset with your choices. Just make sure that person isn't you!
Many people are totally unaware of these control systems that run our lives even exist. It's hard to see something that you were born into and was just always there. Some of us are born seeing them. Some of us become aware of them later in life when some event brings it to our attention. For example, in an interview Prince Harry revealed that he was trapped in the Royal Family but he didn't know that he was trapped until he met Meghan.
Many people are in this situation and all it takes is a chance encounter, like clicking on this website, for the box to come into view. Once you know it's there then you can break out. Once Harry was aware of his confinement, he let himself out. Now he's charting his own path. He's doing what is right for him and not for them. I mean just think of the power of the institution that controlled every aspect of his life. If he can break free from a life he didn't choose, then so can you!
Once you've seen the box you'll want to help others break out of theirs! Hi there, I'm Sarah, can I tell you about the box you didn't choose that you're living in? Did you know that there's another way? Did you know you have an inner compass that will guide you to the life most suitable for you? Your map is inside you and no one else can give you directions. They haven't been where you're going.
Firstly, an Indigo would roll their eyes about being labeled Indigo because it's just another box. We want to be boxless. We are freedom seekers. Free from labels. Free from other's expectations. Free from limiting ideas. Free from any structure. Free from all the various systems that run the world. Freedom is living outside the box.
Our resistance to conformity and being controlled makes us "difficult" in the eyes of others. We can't just get in our box and do what we are told. We instantly rebel any time someone tries to exert control over us. We have a warriors spirit.
Indigos are the ones always asking - why? Why do we judge students on their ability to memorize information and regurgitate it? Why can't we learn about what interests us? Why do adults have to earn a living? Why can't we just live the life of our choosing? Why can't my job be just to be myself? Why are so many people doing things that they don't want to do?
Society calls what we do for work "a living" but to us it's more like a death sentence. We feel a sense of duty to make a difference. A "normal" job seems pointless to an Indigo. We need purpose. We need to do what feels right to us. We'd love to make some kind of meaningful difference. Indigos feel like we're here to do something big. To make life better for everyone. We might spend our whole lives trying to figure out what that is!
Indigos may have a persistent feeling of homesickness even while sitting in our own homes! It's an existential homesickness. There's something bigger out there that we're longing for.
Indigos are known as system busters. We came here to tear down ALL the current social, political, religious, governmental systems.
We see how things are being run, which is inefficiently and unfairly, and every cell of our being screams for change and something better. We wonder why nobody seems to be doing anything about this? If something's not working, then quit doing it that way! Don't just be another cog running a useless or even harmful machine.
Which leads me to our bluntness. Indigos tell it like it is. This can be off-putting. People aren't used to being told the truth. This can cause strong reactions in others. People usually either love us or hate us.
We have a natural ability to see and feel the truth about things that seem invisible to everyone else and we point it out.
We're not going to wait around for someone else to change things. We are the someone else. We're here to upgrade the systems.
We're here to help the "normal" people of the world break free from their conditioning and change the old systems.
Unfortunately, many people operating in these old systems don't see the need or want for change. Because that's how the systems are designed! They keep people too busy trying to survive that they don't have time to stop and question anything.
Maybe a small few have managed to find comfort in the old routine and have even achieved success in their eyes. Change would be a threat to everything they've spent their lives working towards. They aren't too concerned about other's well-being as long as they are doing ok. For those few people benefiting from the way things are - change is their worst nightmare.
Maybe others just can't see how anything can drastically change. The how is to stop participating in them. Stop playing the game. We're the ones that keep them running.
It's time for change at all levels. An Indigo Revolution if you will.
Indigos that are activated or self-aware are here to help the normal people remember who we really are and show them what is possible. As Glenda the Good Witch tells Dorothy - "You had the power all along, my dear." All you have to do is realize it.
Indigos are known by many names including wayshowers or lightworkers. We’re here to reignite the flames in others.
Darkness is drawn to light which is why we always seem to find ourselves surrounded by people with unlit torches who don't get us. By shining our light, others will give themselves permission to shine theirs. Someone had to go first, we are that someone.
It is tempting to want to dim our light so people can’t see us and won’t know that we’re different. Don't. You're too important. Playing small won't serve, we have work to do. We signed up for this and the others didn't, so what does that say?
We came here knowing it was going to be hard, that we were going to be dismissed, censored, and resisted but we came anyway.
We’re badasses. Keep shining your light. Light them up.
Light shines brightest in the dark.