Let me count the ways. Indigos hate working for so many reasons. The workplace is often a total nightmare for Indigos. I have written about my last several workplace experiences in my Misadventures of an Indigo series.
But below is a post I came across in a forum that I think many Indigos can relate to in relation to the dread of having to work. This person probably didn't even know that they were Indigo. They probably think that there is something very wrong with them. If only they knew that it's not us there's something wrong with - it's the workplace!
"Okay. It's time. I have put off getting a job for like a whole year now. I am sober from all medications (antidepressants, ADD medication, anxiety medication) and I feel pretty good most of the time. I have a HUGE problem tho. I HATE WORKING. I hate it mostly because we are treated like slaves. Wage workers are treated as disposable and as tools. I have had probably nearly 10 jobs in my life and I was either highly, highly medicated in order to do so or I became incredibly emotionally numb at work to get thru it, kind of being out of body to be able to cope. Just thinking about holding a job and slaving my life away makes me wish I was rotting in the ground instead.
The last three times I had a job while completely sober I lasted about a month before I bailed and just stopped going and left and cried in my car (don't even have a car anymore to escape to) about how disconnected I felt from the employees and about how I felt like a robot performing mindless tasks over and over. I felt like a slave.
I have zero hope that I will find a job that I like. Unless it is self employment. But I need a job THIS month or I risk being homeless."
The whole system of having to exchange your time for money in order to live doesn't seem like a well thought out concept. There's a reason why so many humans in this world are numb, checked out, and have some form of addiction. It's a coping mechanism. Pretty ironic that in order to earn a living you have to live a certain death.
It isn't working out so well for the bottom 99% society and we certainly want no part of it. People with power invented this system. There's no reason we can't change it. There's no reason we need to work 40 hours or 5 days a week. This is all made up. We can make up something else.
Money was just an idea to exchange services. We can use something else.
The concept of work is just an implied agreement. An agreement that was made centuries ago on our behalf without any input from us. And to this day nobody has bothered to stop and ask: Why are we still doing things this way?!
Enter the Indigos. We are here to change the systems. All of them.
It's time we ALL stop and renegotiate.
"Normal" people have seemingly accepted the concept of work even though they hate it too. They have adopted the belief that society has been socialized with - you have to earn a living. That you don't deserve to just live your life - you have to earn it.
This system doesn't work for Indigos. Indigos don't want to waste our time working especially just for the sake of working.
This sounds lazy and arrogant to non-Indigos but I assure you that that's not the case. Indigos feel a strong sense of duty to a higher cause. There is nothing we'd rather do with our time and energy then work on something that matters!! When you're doing something you love - it's not work.
Indigos require tasks of significant purpose, serving others, and making life better. But that might not show up in the form of a traditional job. We can't operate within the established systems. We weren't meant to.
On January 13, 2018 I woke up to an emergency alert on my phone that said:
"Ballistic Missile Threat inbound to Hawaii. Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill."
It ended up being a false alarm (allegedly) but we didn't get another alert telling us it was a false alarm for 45 minutes. We all thought we were about to die. People panicked. People raced around trying to get to their families. This is what's important. This is what matters.
There was nowhere to go to seek shelter. Everyone just wanted to be with their loved ones.
After enduring that traumatic episode we all just had to get on with our day and go back to work like oh too bad we all didn't just die. It was business as usual. You'd think everything would have changed after that. That we all would have woken up and realized how stupid and pointless working is. If our lives could end in 10 minutes, why are we wasting so much of our life? Why are we still waking up every day doing the same shit that doesn't matter!
When a missile is coming your way, it doesn't give a shit whether you're successful or a productive member of society. No one says on their death bed that they wish they would have worked more.
Hawaii is just a small state in the Pacific ocean. There wasn't enough people traumatized to make real lasting change.
Then came the pandemic. Finally, workers started to revolt! It began with employees deciding they did not want to handle both the threat of Covid and continuing to work at a miserable unfulfilling job. So millions just up and quit! Suddenly businesses couldn’t function. And just like that the power shifted to the workers! Argh! We had the power all along! That's what I've been screaming from the rooftops since I started writing.
Change has come. We're not going back to "normal." Normal sucked. Now we know that there are other ways of doing things because we've done them. We're not going back.
Here are a few reasons Indigos (and now most everyone else) hate working traditional jobs:
There are jobs that make life worse for others. Think of all the people in America working for insurance companies who are paid to deny people life saving medical procedures or medications. WTF are you doing?! It's unconscionable. Is that really how you want to spend your time on this Earth? There's not enough money in the world to get us to do something like that. We may not like humans very much but we're not here to cause suffering. We're here to alleviate it.
Corporations have commodified the Earth to all of our detriment. It is unbelievable when politicians make arguments like: We can't get rid of coal mining because then what would the coal miners do? Well what are they going to do when they take the last grain of coal out of the ground? What are construction workers going to do when they've built on the very last empty space of land left on Earth? I guess nothing because we'll all be dead because they chopped down all the trees.
Indigos are here to serve others not make their lives worse.
I once read a job posting that stated the applicant must not be intimated by the customers or the staff. So, in other words you need to be able to handle abuse from all ends. THIS IS NOT OK! There is not enough money in the world to compensate you for your ability to take abuse.
Workplaces are full of hostile miserable people that hate their lives. Miserable people love company. They lash out and do all kinds of psychotic things that make life unbearable.
Bullying, manipulation, and down right cruelty are just some of the daily abuses employees can face in the workplace. And if these forms of abuse are the only ones you are subjected to - consider yourself lucky. It gets worse.
Indigos are sensitive and we have zero tolerance abuse.
Why is it always the least qualified, least intelligent, and least capable people always end up as the supervisor or boss?
Indigos never stay at jobs long enough to work their way up the ladder. We'll always be some moron's underling.
Indigos don't recognize made up power dynamics. We have no respect for authority it's another made up hierarchy system to subject people to control.
Indigos can lack tact and certain social graces. We can't fake it. We can't just smile and nod and get on with it. If our boss is a moron then we're going to let them know.
"You see, you're one of the morons I've been fighting my whole life. My whole fucking life!" Osborne Cox
I'm just using this clip to illustrate the sentiment we feel every day. *I do not condone violence, obviously.*
Another reason Indigos hate working is because we can't be ourselves. Indigos are nonconformists. We cannot be molded into a worker drone. It's impossible for us to be inauthentic.
The workplace often requires you to suppress who you are in a number of ways. You have to get rid of all the things that make you - you and present yourself as someone that you are not in order to represent the company.
You can't express yourself through your appearance. Your appearance must meet someone else's approval.
You can't wear what you would wear in your everyday life. You can't wear your hair the length or color you prefer. You can't wear jewelry. You can't show your tattoos. Etc., etc., etc.
Some industries don't even allow you to express yourself verbally. You can't deviate from your preapproved script.
You can't stick up or defend yourself when a client or customer is on a rampage. You have to keep a smile on your face and kiss their ass.
You can't confront your inept coworkers and superiors without consequences, like getting fired.
Your opinions don't matter. You can't show or express how you really feel. And even if you do, nobody cares, just get back to work.
In some places you can't express yourself at all! You're not meant to be seen OR heard! Just show up, shut up, and do your work!
You have to become a completely different suitable person and behave like a cloned programmed robot. No thanks.
When an Indigo has to pretend to be someone they're not it destroys their spirit.
Control is probably our main issue in life. Jobs = control. They control nearly every aspect of your life. What time you wake up, what you can wear, what time you can eat and for how long, when you can go to the bathroom, or home, etc.
Indigos are freedom seekers. It is innate in every Indigo to resist authority. We can't take orders. We can't deal with being on someone else's schedule and adhering to someone else's rules in someone else's world. We will instantly rebel.
Indigos need to live life on their own terms. We see a job as a ball and chain and the death of our dreams.
Indigos hate feeling like we have to do something but I would imagine that this is true of most humans. During the pandemic, when jobs were becoming obsolete many employers seemed utterly shocked as to why their minimum wage employees quit their menial jobs after receiving their stimulus checks. Yeah. Because they don't have to be there anymore, genius. You think anybody wants to wake up and flip burgers for a billion dollar corporation?
Any corporation you've ever heard of doesn't give a shit about their employees. They only care about profit. Billion dollar corporations are notoriously understaffed making their employees overworked often doing the amount of work of more than one person. This is so the corporation make more money. Get 1 person to do the job of 2 or 3 people and pay them only 1 salary. What a steal! This is modern day slavery.
Hell has no fury like an Indigo imprisoned.
It's not that Indigos hate working. Period. It's that we hate working at jobs that don't matter and make no difference in the world. There are so many jobs that are pointless and seem to exist just for the sole purpose of keeping people employed. There are jobs that are just doing other people's chores.
Somebody wants to write a book but they don't want to type it. Boom there's a job.
Somebody wants their grass cut but they don't want to mow it. Boom there's a job.
Somebody wants to own property but they don't want to manage it. Boom there's a job.
I once lived at a complex where they paid people to walk around the property all day picking up leaves to look busy. Jesus Christ, we have trade winds for that - for free.
If you're not changing society, how are you being of service?
Indigos didn't come here to do other people's chores. We feel a sense of duty to make a difference.
Indigos are here to do something that hasn't been done before. Something that makes people question their very existence. To influence people into prioritizing things that actually matter!
So many jobs push you to go the extra mile. They want you to sell the most products. Sign up the most clients. Provide the best service. But what's in it for you?
Even if you work your way up the ladder, get a bonus, or get that corner office, you're still a rat.
I had a classmate that worked for a well known electronics store and he complained that he had to go to a company meeting every week where the employees were pressured to sell the company's extended warranties. The employees were given zero incentive to do so. They got nothing out of it - they're overlords did.
Why help some fat cat get fatter? Some Indigo's missions are to take down the fat cats, not work for them.
Indigos came here to destroy the rat race.
Working can literally make Indigos sick. Indigos may experience debilitating physical symptoms pretty quickly as a result of working a meaningless job. This has been my experience. For most of my life, I didn't know that this was happening to other Indigos as well. Indigos don't experience life the same way as others do. Nothing normal works out for us.
It's like our bodies won't physically allow us to take part of this outdated system. It's not in alignment with who we are and what we came to do. We know at a soul level that we have to stop this wage enslavement. Indigos are system busters. We are meant to change the 9-5 system, not become a part of it.
See my article on Why Working Makes Indigos Sick.