
Stonehenge England

There's something that feels familiar about England. I'm drawn to period films set in England, whether it's the gritty streets of London or the beautiful English countryside. There's something about old timey England that resonates with me deeply. Is it because I grew up watching Mary Poppins on repeat? A past life? My ancestral lineage? I have ancestral ties to Bromsgrove, a village that dates back to Roman times. Their town market has been taking place since 1200. 

I love top hats, cobbled streets, castles and English gardens. I love English wit and banter. I also love their directness and politeness. The English are infinitely more formal than I'm accustomed to and it's quite amusing to observe and interact with. 

England is home to some of the world's most iconic landmarks like Big Ben, Tower Bridge, London Eye, Stonehenge, it's many churches and palaces. It's history is so well preserved it feels as if your time traveling. The past is still present. England's oldest pharmacy/chemist has been in operation since 1734! It's just wild how old and well preserved things are. Not just the buildings and the streets but the glorious trees. 

England Sites:

  • London played a huge role in laying the foundation for who I was to become. I love visiting. No matter how many times you go you'll never see it all!


    London played a huge role in laying the foundation for who I was to become. I love visiting. No matter how many times you go you'll never see it all!

  • Stonehenge, Glastonbury, and Avebury are some of England's most fascinating and mythical sites with links to King Arthur's realm and the world's largest stone circle.

    Stonehenge - Glastonbury - Avebury

    Stonehenge, Glastonbury, and Avebury are some of England's most fascinating and mythical sites with links to King Arthur's realm and the world's largest stone circle.

  • Costswolds is home to some of the most picturesque villages in England, they are so lovely and peaceful. You can spend hours just strolling taking it all in.


    Costswolds is home to some of the most picturesque villages in England, they are so lovely and peaceful. You can spend hours just strolling taking it all in.

  • Blenheim Palace is the only nonroyal palace in England. It's the birthplace of Winston Churchill. It's truly magnificent. It's been used in a number of films.

    Blenheim Palace

    Blenheim Palace is the only nonroyal palace in England. It's the birthplace of Winston Churchill. It's truly magnificent. It's been used in a number of films.

  • As a Potterhead visiting Harry Potter Studios was on my bucket list. It was maybe the most fun ever and everything I wanted it to be!

    Harry Potter Studios

    As a Potterhead visiting Harry Potter Studios was on my bucket list. It was maybe the most fun ever and everything I wanted it to be!

  • Oxford is home to Britain's oldest university. It's been educating students for 800 years and been an inspiration to many famous writers.


    Oxford is home to Britain's oldest university. It's been educating students for 800 years and been an inspiration to many famous writers.

  • I was lucky enough to be able to stay on Cambridge's campus while studying abroad years ago.


    I was lucky enough to be able to stay on Cambridge's campus while studying abroad years ago.

  • Windsor Castle, was the Queen's weekend home. She and her family are buried here. It's the oldest and largest lived in castle.

    Windsor Castle

    Windsor Castle, was the Queen's weekend home. She and her family are buried here. It's the oldest and largest lived in castle.

  • The first two Harry Potter movies were filmed at Alniwck Castle. The elaborate gardens might be the most magical thing about Alnwick.

    Alnwick Castle

    The first two Harry Potter movies were filmed at Alniwck Castle. The elaborate gardens might be the most magical thing about Alnwick.