Empathic Healers

I was listening to a webinar hosted by someone that uses the tools of Access Consciousness to help people change things that they are struggling with. It's essentially just an alternative healing modality. The tools of Access Consciousness are asking (strange) questions and then clearing out the energy that the question brings up using a strange clearing statement. Questions are kind of like the key to unlocking stuck or hidden energy. The questions can act as a release valve. The questions create awareness. Once you have awareness, you can change it, or change your thinking around it, or modify your behavior.

Someone asked the host the one thing that every highly sensitive and empathic person has trouble dealing with. I transcribed the question and answer below. The answer is a full healing process. Even though it may seem strange and not make sense be sure to read the answer all the way through. It may end up helping you. It's worth a try.

Q: Whenever I get around a group of people I seem to take on all their energy. When I get home I feel exhausted. I'm trying to protect myself. What's up with this?


Yes. You are a healer of magnitude.

I can see that you are going out and desire to make the world happy. So, if you're just feeling everyone's pain and taking it on, you have made it a purpose within you to go out and change the world and make everyone happy.

Everywhere you are doing that will you destroy and uncreate it?

You are a healer. You are going out with all of your feelers. Every single cell in your body has chromosomes and on top of these chromosomes are telomeres.

The telomeres reach out beyond the body and they sense what is going on in all of the other bodies.

If there is sadness, they go out and try to heal the sadness. If there is anger, they try and change the anger, because you are a healer.

So, everywhere where you designed yourself to be the healer, whenever there is someone in need, instead of you choosing when to use this capacity, will you now unchoose for it to go out and do whatever it's doing?

Anything that doesn't allow you to go out in public, or be in groups, or choose to disconnect from others morphic fields, and not take them all on, will you destroy and uncreate that now?

When you go out in groups, ask your body, ask your infinite being: Being can we be in just our own energy for this trip out, instead of going and working on others and exhausting our energy?

Anything that doesn't allow you to ask this of your cells, will you destroy and uncreate it all?

What can my body and I do and be and what can I do and be for my body that would allow it to do something different? What can my body and I be today that can change all of this with total ease?

What do you know how to be or do with your body and for your body that you've never had to do or be? What can you and your body be that you've never been?

All the magnetic imprinting and electrical imprinting that any beings have had on my body, will you now destroy and uncreate all that?

Anything that doesn't allow you to have total control over your body will you destroy and uncreate all that?

This method of processing by asking questions is a way of shifting energy. Questions can change your mindset or bring in an awareness you didn't have before. 

For example, if you have just come from an outing and are feeling something negative, asking yourself the question: Who does this belong to? This may cause the negative energy to dissipate. 

Another side note, I'm reading Kryon's Book Twelve: The Twelve Layers of DNA and in it "he" encourages us to speak to our cells daily. 

So try speaking to your telomeres. Reel them in. Take command of the ship. You decide when it's time to go out and heal.

Good Morning telomeres! Today we're taking the day off. So stay inside and enjoy!

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