Indigos are known for always asking why things are the way they are?
I will always be endlessly fascinated by humans belief in religion. What do you think there was before religion? And before that? And before that?
Go further. Why do you think religion was created? Why do you think you think the way you think?
Indigos have an inner lie detector. A lie vibrates differently than the truth. Imagine being a grade schooler trying to explain to their religious friends that they're all being lied to by everyone.
Indigos are allergic to being controlled. The need for freedom is paramount. It is our instinct to break free from everything: rules, norms, beliefs, influence, etc. Religion is a system of control. It controls thoughts, behavior, power and money.
I am mission oriented to get to the bottom of things. Are you trying to understand your existence? What is the truth? What don't they want you know? Who are you really?
You weren't created, you are creation.
This comes up in my research over and over again.
Excerpts from the book, The Key by Whitley Strieber, starting on pg 60:
Jesus said that he was the son of man. Take him at his word. He was God, though, a radiant body fully aware of who he was and fully invested in all and everything. He entered the elemental body consciously. But I remind you, all are God, all are Christ. The difference was that he knew it.
The Roman rule was blind and brutal and unspeakably greedy. Ancient knowledge was being murdered by Roman ignorance and Roman power. This knowledge consisted of how to consciously form a radiant body so that you would not recur into the physical, so that you would be free. Christ was here to preserve this knowledge and pass it down. But even his deposit was corrupted by Roman politicians, who transformed his practice into a religion after he died.
Q:There was no resurrection then?
No, that's just the point - there was. But you lost the understanding of it. The gospels describe what happened with great fidelity. He was seen. He did walk after his death.
Q: How?
His radiant body was under his conscious control. He could project an image of his physical body as he wished.
The great error of the present is the way your religions externalize Christ. You are always calling on Christ. But had better call on your own heart, for it is in your heart that his mansion is founded.
You must understand that your entire pantheon of deities is you. God is you. The gods are you. Angels and demons are you.
The God of which I speak is not a distant being off in some heaven. You yourself are the distant being you seek.
The last age was the age of the external God. This is the age of God within.
Religions demand belief. Belief is always a lie.
There is nothing mysterious about the soul, or even about its eternal life. Energy is eternal, so the part of you that is energy is eternal.
Here's an interesting interview with Jesus, facilitated by Emanuelle McIntosh.
Partial Transcript:
Jesus spoke out against the Roman Empire. He was a threat to their control over the people.
The bible was created by many and long after his so-called passing.
At the time the bible was written, Judaism was the common consciousness. In the Jewish culture, there was a prophecy of a messiah that would lead our people to safety and bring the religion into the future.
So, the disciples knew that in order to get Jesus accepted as the next messiah in a world that was greatly opposing his teachings, they had to operate within the teachings of Judaism. So, the stories that were created around his life journey were mostly a fabrication with the hope they would accept him as the messiah.
In Judaism, it said that a messiah was going to be recognized by 3 kings when a star was bright in the night sky. Thus, they created this story about the manger and the 3 Wise Men, and so on. None of this happened. They needed to tell that story. They needed to create these stories in such a way for him to be accepted.
His teachings were altered and changed over time by individuals that wanted to gain power and control. The true teachings were lost in the interpretations of the disciples, and their personal biases and human filters.
The teachings of unconditional love, freedom, choice, and equality with God – the true information, was replaced with teachings that would and could control the masses and give others ultimate power in the name of God.
The bible stories are interpretations of people who were not spiritually developed enough to understand or even grasp what I was really trying to pass on.
They were changed for personal gain to create acceptance and preserve for future generations – not for their factual accuracy, but for their faith generating component.
The bible may have worked in a pre-scientific world however, it is no longer working for the people today.
The depth and power of his teachings were lost but they are slowly returning because people are awakening from the tyrant they call society, and they are choosing to recognize their own divine power to create their own reality in life. They are starting to choose love over fear.
God doesn’t reside in the ego. God only consists of unity and oneness.
Everything is an expression of God. God only seeks expansion through your creative creation of life. It desires to experience itself through your creative abilities. (See my article on the Purpose of Life.)
The 10 commandments were created to keep control over the actions of the people by infusing them with fear.
It was the church and spiritual leaders who decided who became the next king, who needed to be murdered and gotten rid of, and who decided the rules. It was the religious institutions that controlled the world, not the government institutions.
More about Jesus from Teal Swan's online workshop from January 21, 2018.
Christ was not a person. Christ Consciousness was a huge group consciousness. What you're calling Jesus is the person Christ Consciousness funneled through as a channel, he was the first person to bring Christ Consciousness down to the planet. That's all that person was.
Christ Consciousness is very simple. It is choice. When you're talking about Christ you're talking about freewill.
Luciferin Consciousness is about determinism. There is nothing inherently evil about determinism. It's the opposite of choice.
If you exercise choice you are in alignment with Christ Consciousness. The ultimate choice is the choice to love, which is to take something as a part of yourself.
The story you have heard about Jesus and the bible itself was written by disciples. Several disciples made a choice, because of the time period, at the time Judaism was the common consciousness that was a available.
In Jewish culture there was prophecies about the people that would come to lead the religion into the future. These disciples knew that in order to get Jesus accepted as a disciple they would have to operate within the teachings of Judaism.
If you read these different accounts (according to Luke, Mathew, etc.) it's so very different. The interpretations are so different because of what they wanted to gain, and because of their own personal biases and filters.
It was prophesized in Judaism that there would be certain ways that you would be able to identify the next great leader of the church. One of those was that these three Kings would know that this person was born based on the star and they would follow them.
So the stories you have heard about Christ and what Christ said - half of it is complete BS. It's what the disciples said in order to get Jesus to be accepted in a culture that was radically opposing him. They were basically trying to position him as the next leader to a group that wouldn't say yes to him. Half the stuff you have heard was said by him was not said by him.
So much of even the story of Jesus's death is fabrication for the sake of getting those people at that time to accept him at all.
The concept of self-sacrifice was woven into the Jewish culture.
Christ coming from choice consciousness, this incredibly enlightened space, understood that there is no such thing as "other." He understood that the very person nailing him to the cross, so to speak, was him.
It wasn't this huge martyrdom complex that people are making this out to be.
Human society tends to propagate the kind of human behavior that benefits society. For example, thanks to property ownership it doesn't benefit us for everyone to be having sex with whoever they want to because of inheritance. Property ownership structured our concept of morality. Morality has nothing to do with universal objective truth. It has everything to do with the way we want to keep control in our social structures.
Religion is still holding together government. The government decides what we need our social hierarchy and social order to look like. That social order is still in place from thousands upon thousands of years ago. It was dysfunctional to begin with. We are beyond it. It's time to move beyond it. Jesus was trying to get people to move beyond it. Half the people listening to him didn't understand what the hell that meant.
I have people that live and work with me everyday. If they were responsible for distributing my teachings they would completely mess it up. Because the way their consciousness is structured is not high enough right now to grasp those concepts. It's going to go through the filter of their current consciousness.
So what you've got with the bible and much that you've learned about Christ is why I want people to tap into Christ Consciousness themselves so you have that access to Christ. Because the filter from which this Christ Consciousness was coming from and through originally is like Caveman type consciousness.
Culture was woven into the book. You have to separate out the chaff that was added and filtered from the purity as what came in as Christ Consciousness.
Christ did not know Luciferian consciousness. Christians have set it up as Christ vs. the Devil. This is not how Christ would think. Christ Consciousness is the choice to love and there is no greater choice than to love one's opposite. In the loving of it you bring it closer to yourself.
Neville Goddard's teachings from Your Faith is your Fortune, Chapter 11:
The outstanding dates of the New Testament, namely, the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus, were timed and dated to coincide with certain astronomical phenomena. The mystics who recorded this story noticed that at certain seasons of the year beneficial changes on earth coincided with astronomical changes above. In writing this psychological drama they have personified the story of the soul as the biography of man. Using these cosmic changes, they have marked the birth and resurrection of Jesus to convey that the same beneficial changes take place psychologically in the consciousness of man as he follows the law.
Even to those who fail to understand it the story of Christmas is one of the most beautiful stories ever told. When unfolded in the light of its mystic symbology, it is revealed as the true birth of every manifestation in the world.
Man very early discovered that the sun played a most important part in his life, that without the sun physical life as he knew it could not be. So these most important dates in the story of the life of Jesus are based upon the position of the sun as seen from the earth in the northern latitudes.
On Christmas Eve, or midnight of December 24th, the constellation Virgo is rising on the eastern horizon. So it is recorded that this son and savior of the world was born of a virgin. It is also recorded that his virgin mother was traveling through the night, that she stopped at an inn and was given the only available room among the animals and there in a manger, where animals fed, the shepherds found the Holy Child.
The animals with whom the Holy Virgin was lodged are the holy animals of the zodiac. There in the constantly moving circle of astronomical animals stands the Holy Mother, Virgo, and there you will see her every midnight of December 24th, standing on the eastern horizon as the sun and savior of the world starts his journey northward.
Psychologically, this birth takes place in man on that day when man discovers his consciousness to be the sun and and savior of his world. When man knows the significance of his mystical statement, "I am the light of the world," he will realize that this I AM, or consciousness, is the sun of his life, which radiates images upon the screen of space. These images are in the likeness of that which he, as man, is conscious if being. Thus qualities and attributes which appear to move upon the screen of his world are really projections of this light from within himself.
When man discovers his consciousness or I AM to be God, the savior of his world, he will be as the sun in its northern passage. All hidden urges and ambitions will then be warmed and stimulated into birth by this knowledge of his true self. He will claim that he is that which heretofore he hoped to be. Without the aid of any man, he will define himself as that which he desires to express. He will discover that his I AM is the virgin conceiving without the aid of man, that conceptions of himself, when felt, and fixed in consciousness, will be embodied easily as living realities in his world.
Man will one day realize that this whole drama takes place in his consciousness, that his unconditioned consciousness or I AM is the Virgin Mary desiring to express, that through this law of self-expression he defines himself as that which he desires to express and what without the help of cooperation of anyone he will express that which he has consciously claimed and defined himself as being.
A clip from Abraham Hicks, on religion:
You are Source Energy in physical bodies, and that if you will listen for the call of Source, Source is within everything that you want. You cannot separate that which you call God, from that which is the makings of this physical world because the God that you want to please, and the God that you are reaching to feel, is the physical embodiment of all those things also.
There are people who try to live their life every day by reading words that were buried thousands of years ago, somehow, that were given to people who were living in a different time, under different conditions, and now you in your modern time, try to make sense of what those words were. Even though they are not talking about the life experience you are currently living. Further, those words, no matter the religion they are the basis of, have been reinterpreted through the framework of evolving civilizations, until you have no way of knowing what was actually said or experienced by any of them, anyway.
So then you say, which of this highly questionable material should I use to guide my life? Most of you say, I think I'll do that which my parents did so that they will still like me. Some of you say, I will search through all of it, I will go to every church, I will study every philosophy, and I will try to make sense of all of it. In fact, I will become a scholar in all of this. And, then you sit in a chair and say this one said this and this one said that.
What we want you to understand, is that you, and everyone else, has within you, guidance that is specifically telling you, given who you are, who you were before you were born, what you've lived, what you now want, and where you are, exactly how to go. If you will tune yourself to that guidance, you will not be confused.
If you say, I need to sort it all out, we say, you never will be able to. As you say I need to hear it all and make sense of all of it, we say, that is like taking every vehicle that existed, taking them all apart, and putting one vehicle that runs together. You might get a piece here and piece here, and you might get something that runs, but it is really going about it the hard way.
Humans say Abraham, I want to be good, I innately sense that I am, I just don't know exactly the way to go, and if I could just find one voice that I could trust, to tell me what's right and wrong, I promise I would follow it. I would do it and become the righteous one that I was born to be.
And we say, it's not a voice outside of you - it's the voice that is within you. It is the sound of the vibrational variance between what you're thinking here and what your Source is vibrating, as it calls you.
You're creating your world. You can tell by the way you feel whether you are on your path or not. Pay attention to the way you feel and there will never be confusion again.
There are so many people, in the name of God, and in the name of religion, doing the most awful things to one another on your planet. Do you know there is more hate wrapped around religion then all other things put together? And the reason for it, is because people are so sure they must control the conditions, and when they can't control the conditions, it makes them crazy, it makes them more separated from who they are.
When you discover as Jesus said, as Buddha said, as Mohammed said, as so many of them have said, as all of the masters have said, as everyone who is at the root of every religion has said, the Kingdom of Heaven is within you, and you will feel the vibrational alignment or not.
We're not saying to you that you can trust no one outside of you, but we are saying, you will hear the rhythm of their vibration, and you will know by your own guidance the truth of the words they speak.
And when someone says to you, in the name of God, I demand that you kill these people because they are not doing what we need them to do, we promise you, you are not hearing the voice of God. You are hearing the voice of some disconnected being, who in his feelings of powerlessness, is still seeking to control conditions so he will feel better, but God is nowhere around any of that message.
When you realize that, that which you are looking for, has always been right there. Source Energy never takes its gaze from you. Source never stops knowing where you are, in relationship to where you want to be. Source puts its undivided attention upon the evolved you, the expanded you, the eternally growing, becoming you. And you've got to turn your attention to the same place or you feel the separation.
It's not an easy thing to be surrounded by a whole lot of voices that are saying different things. Try to trust more the feeling that comes within you. Because when you say, I don't know the way, then anything you choose, even though it might be the way for you, isn't the way for now, because you're so sure it's not the way.
When you realize that that which you are reaching for is an energy that is loving to the very core, not hateful, you'll start looking in a different place.
God or that which you call God, we only use the word when you do, is not something to be feared but something to be felt as love. When you are in vibrational alignment with Source, you know it, you feel it, and when you're not, you know that, too. There are many people on your planet who are finding alignment with source, through the religion of their choice.
You do not need to be involved with some religion with some label in order to be in perfect alignment of that which is Source.
The problem with so many of those religions are, that they want you to believe that there is only one way, and it is their way. They push so hard against the other ways, they defy themselves from the very God that they preach about.